On time rent management and reporting for landlords
We deliver dedicated rent collection and management of your rents in a safe, controlled and trusted manner
Client Money Protected, Member of the TPO (Property Ombudsman) and the DPS (Deposit Protection Service)

Why you should outsource your rent collection to us?
The main reason should be to remove yourself from having to deal with tenants over rent matters and avoiding the ‘personalisation’ of what is a business transaction.
You may have some form of personal relationship with your tenant by virtue of the fact that you discuss with them other matters relating to their tenancy. You may have conducted the viewing in the first place and if you are effective in sales techniques then developing a personal relationship through that process is normal. In their eyes you may even have become their friend.
Forming a friendship with your tenant is not conducive to forging a business relationship with someone who may not understand what this is. It may not stop them thinking you are a ‘soft touch’ (because you are their friend and you will have extra empathy for them) and open to being ‘flexible’ with rent payment arrangements. This is where we make the difference.
While we are friendly with your tenant (courteous and professional) we are not your tenant’s friend and we expect them to honour their contract with you. Most tenants make no mistake about this and will not feel they can ask for special treatment.
This arrangement works and it drastically reduces the risk of tenants making late payments and getting in to arrears. It comes down to the difference between how you may handle this (which can be unavoidable) and how we do.
A little more about us first
We are here to help landlords and letting agents manage their properties more efficiently and effectively through the provision of professional rent management.
Our aim is to make things more simple for you. Through our dedicated rent management systems we deliver the highest level of efficiency, professionalism and effectiveness to maximise your rent returns.
As a user of our rent collection service you can:
- View and download your rent statements via the Control Panel. We’ll email you when they have been updated. These are ‘tax return-ready’ for your end of year accounts
- Add tenants and properties as soon as you have registered
- Sit back and let us do the rest. We’ll contact your tenant to complete the set up process.
If you are ready to go ahead:
Register Here
if you’re not, read on to learn more
Here’s why we think you should register for our rent collection service
1. We maintain accountant / tax return – ready statements which you can securely access and download.
We email you when your statements have been updated (i.e. when a new rent payment has been made to you) so you don’t have to remember when to check for updates.
2. We know immediately when a tenant has missed a payment and we get on to it right away
Very occasionally a tenant may miss a payment.
We will ask a late paying tenant to make a one-off direct payment in to our account to avoid further delay. They have 7 days to pay before we escalate the situation with a Default Notice demanding payment within another 7 days or be served with a Section 21 Notice, effectively commencing eviction proceedings.
Unless you instruct us to serve a Section 21 Notice, we will take no further eviction action. The cost of our Section 21 Notice service is £75.
3. Just £12 per collection – compare that to letting agents’ commissions
We think that we provide a very high value service for a very low price. We have tried to take the hassle out of self-management with this partially online service.
Ready now to go ahead?
if not then please read on
We aim to promote self-management of your property business and in so doing strip out costs to increase its profitability.
By providing you with a worry-free and effective service for collecting and managing your tenant’s rent and their individual rent accounts, our combination of efficient on time rent collection and tight controls of late payments will minimise the threat of losses through arrears.
We maintain statements for each tenancy which you can access securely on this site and download. These are accountant-ready for your financial year-end so you can forward them straight to your accountant with no input by you necessary.
It’s easy to get started
First you must register on this site and then after this simple registration process you can start to upload your properties and your tenants within your control panel (you wil be taken straight to this each time you log in). Registering or entering your property and tenant details does not commit you to our service. For this to happen you must complete and return an Instruction form which we will email to you.
Get Paid Quickly
After we have collected payment from your tenant’s bank we will transfer their rent, net of our monthly fee, in to your account within 1 banking day after funds are cleared in our account.
At the time we make our payment to you, we will update your statement which you will be able to view, download and save. This will be in a format which will be acceptable to your accountant at the end of the financial year.
1. Improved cash flow
Put all your tenants on our rent collection and you know what your rental income will be and when you can expect to receive it.
2. Monthly easy to understand statements
Our statements are accountant ready for your end of year accounts saving you many hours of preparing records.
3. Tenants are more likely to stay with you
As a landlord, you’ll know that when everything is ticking over happily, tenants are far less likely to move on. With reliable rent collection this is one less thing for either you or your tenants to worry over. Your tenants can contact us to discuss their payments should anything out of the ordinary happen.
4. You save time and money – we do the paperwork
How much time do you spend on checking rent payments, making phone calls, writing letters and chasing errant payers? With your rent statements you can easily see at a glance who has paid and more importantly who hasn’t. Meanwhile, we do all the donkey work for you.
5. What happens if your tenant’s rent is not paid?
Be rest assured that by the time we have notified you of a non-paying tenant we will already have contacted them to chase their payment.
6. Rent arrears management
If your tenant ignores our polite automated reminder we will send them a Default Notice which reminds them of their obligations within their tenancy agreement and your option to serve a Notice for Possession and start court proceedings if the rent is not paid within the stated time.
We will take no further action against the tenant at this point unless you contact us and request that we create and serve a Section 21 Notice for Possession for which there will be a charge of £75.00. This will be deemed served when sent by first class post and you will receive a scanned copy of the original for your records.